home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- -- background: 29806 from stack: in
- -- bmap block id: 6889
- -- flags: 0000
- -- background id: 0
- -- name:
- -- part 1 (field)
- -- low flags: 81
- -- high flags: 0004
- -- rect: left=12 top=18 right=165 bottom=316
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 20
- -- text size: 24
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 32
- -- part name: •Question
- -- part 3 (button)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=149 top=322 right=340 bottom=217
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: movies
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mousedown
- get TKpopMenu ("movies",151,129)
- if it = "" then
- exit mousedown
- end if
- put item 1 of it into theMenu
- put item 2 of it into theItem
- put word 1 of theItem into showtime
- -- Note: this will process each menu item (even hierarchical)
- tkshowpict "present",150,10
- do showtime
- end mousedown
- -- part 4 (button)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=77 top=322 right=340 bottom=145
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: info
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mousedown
- --adding table name to popup list
- put the short name of this card&&"menu" into zaper
- put TKdoTEXT (zaper) after selections
- put 328-(17*(the number of lines in selections))into vvv
- get TKpopMenu (selections,78,vvv,"true")
- put item 1 of it into theMenu
- put item 2 of it into theItem
- if it = "" then
- exit mousedown
- end if
- put item 1 of it into theMenu
- put item 2 of it into theItem
- tkhelp (the short name of this card), "mnu,txt,scl,pic,open,opt,left14,top32,wide230,high274", "Menu","","","","",theItem
- end mousedown
- -- part 5 (button)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=5 top=322 right=340 bottom=73
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: Index
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- INDEXtest
- on mousedown
- global indexo
- Get TKpopMenu ("index",6,43,)
- if it = "" then
- exit mousedown
- end if
- put item 1 of it into theMenu
- put item 2 of it into theItem
- get tkdotext ("earth")
- if it contains theItem then
- go to card theITem of stack "earth"
- end if
- get tkdotext ("Journey")
- if it contains theItem then
- go to card theITem of stack "Journey"
- end if
- get tkdotext ("People")
- if it contains theItem then
- go to card theITem of stack "people"
- end if
- end mousedown
- -- part 6 (button)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=221 top=322 right=340 bottom=289
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: quotes
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mousedown
- get TKpopMenu ("QUOTATIONS MENU",222,1,)
- if it = "" then
- exit mousedown
- end if
- put item 1 of it into theMenu
- put item 2 of it into theItem
- tkhelp "QUOTATIONS", "mnu,txt,scl,pic,open,opt,left14,top32,wide230,high230", "Menu","","","","",theItem
- end mousedown
- -- part 7 (button)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=293 top=322 right=340 bottom=362
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: sounds
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseDown
- Get TKpopMenu("Sounds",295,97,true,busy)
- if it = "" then exit mouseDown
- put item 1 of it into theMenu
- put item 2 of it into theItem
- play theitem
- wait until the sound is "done"
- wait 15
- end mouseDown
- -- part 8 (button)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=366 top=322 right=340 bottom=434
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: options
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mousedown
- global theitem
- get TKpopMenu (options,367,210)
- if it = "" then
- exit mousedown
- end if
- put item 1 of it into theMenu
- put item 2 of it into theItem
- global wherefrom -- a global anchor for workshop nav
- put the long name of this card into wherefrom
- if theItem = "Copy art to Workshop" then
- set userlevel to 3
- choose select tool
- doMenu "Select all"
- doMenu "copy picture"
- go to last card of stack workshop
- doMenu "new card"
- doMenu "paste picture"
- choose browse tool
- opencard
- end if
- if theItem = "Mystery Tour" then
- push card
- go to stack "Mystery Tour"
- set userlevel to 2
- end if
- if theItem = "Copy card to Workshop" then
- set userlevel to 3
- push card
- Workshop
- end if
- if theItem = "Help" then
- push card
- visual zoom out
- go to card id 80705 of stack earth
- end if
- if theItem = "Quit" then
- DoMenu "Quit Hypercard"
- end if
- if theItem = "Print Card" then
- DoMenu "Print Card"
- end if
- if theItem = "Go to Workshop" then
- push card
- Go to stack "Workshop"
- set the userlevel to 3
- end if
- end mousedown
- -- part 9 (button)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=439 top=322 right=340 bottom=507
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: labels
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mousedown
- labels
- end mousedown